Coaching in the Lab: A New Career at 49
In today’s episode of The Change Lab we are coaching in the lab. So, pull up a chair and join Dr. Heinz’ session with Anne,
Do you secretly feel stuck in that frustrating tug-of-war between wanting change and resisting it?
Chronically making and breaking promises to yourself?
Yeah, I feel ya. You are not alone. Being human means having the wisdom to know better, but not necessarily the ability to put that wisdom into action.
Well, if you want to understand why #personaldevelopment seems so simple in theory but so impossible in practice, you’re in the right place. Join me in The Change Lab, where self-help gets a science-infused upgrade.
Join Dr. Sasha Heinz, Developmental Psychologist and Coach, as she decodes the science of unstuck.
In today’s episode of The Change Lab we are coaching in the lab. So, pull up a chair and join Dr. Heinz’ session with Anne,
Put down the green juice and call your friend. Nothing packs a wellness punch like improving the quality of your social connections and personal relationships.
Being a parent in the era of social media means wading through a morass of conflicting and half-baked advice from would-be influencers, coaches, and practitioners.
Whether New Year lover or hater, the science behind the year’s most significant self-improvement day is pretty darn fascinating. In today’s episode of The Change
Did you know that there are different types of perfectionists each with their own distinct perfectionistic ideals and specific personality assets and liabilities? In today’s
For more, follow Dr. Heinz on Instagram.